Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (heading a research group at both Know-Center and the ISDS) has been enthusiastically working in the field of ‘learning and technologies’ and her recently co-authored article looks at the same from an Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) perspective.
The article is published in the Interactions Magazine in the September-October 2020 edition. It is an internationally renowned magazine in HCI in the international computer science society ACM
The article entails how HCI’s interest in aspects of learning has risen to new heights, leading to the creation of the Learning, Education and Families subcommittee. It also showcases the findings of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Learning, Education and HCI at the CHI 2019. The workshop was set up to gather a broad set of perspectives from across the field and better understand what community members mean when they talk about learning.
Overall, the article stated that the discussions at any time at the SIG workshop were highly heterogeneous and occurred at multiple levels. This is an important call to continue interdisciplinary discussion and at the same time try to identify particular knowledge and perspectives that come out of work at the intersection of HCI and learning.